Monday, September 28, 2015

Smooth muscles

Must know :

List the differences between single unit and multiunit smooth muscle.

List the functional differences between smooth and skeletal muscle.

Give the difference in excitation contraction coupling of smooth and skeletal muscle.

Nice to know

What is Basal Electrical rythm/slow waves ?

What is the advantage of latch bridge in smooth muscle?

What is stress relaxation?

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Nerve injury

Must know:

Briefly describe Wallerian degeneration

Nice to know:

Classify grades nerve injury according to severity

What is denervation hypersensitivity ?

Work physiology

Must know:

What is isotonic and isometric contraction ? Give one example of each

Give differences between isotonic and isotonic contractions

Define incomplete and complete tetanus.

Define motor unit. What is size principle ?

Enumerate differences between red and white type of muscle fibres.


Enumerate differences between type 1 and type II muscle fibres.

Nice to know;

Name the two mechanisms for gradation of force in skeletal muscle.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Excitation contraction coupling

Must know

Draw a diagram showing the location of DHPR and RYR in sarcotubular system

Briefly describe the molecular basis of muscle contraction.

What is power stroke in relation to crossbridge cycling?

With the help of a flowchart describe the steps in excitation contraction coupling
With the help of a flowchart describe the steps involved in contraction and relaxation of muscle.
Describe the moleculat basis of muscle contraction

Briefly describe crossbridge cycling.

What is rigor mortis?

Nice to know

Briefly explain malignant hyperthermia.

Functional anatomy of skeletal muscle

Draw a labelled diagram of sarcomere

What is sarcoplasmic triad ? OR What is sarcotubular system ?

Describe sarcotubular system with the help of a labelled diagram.

What is I band, A band, H zone, M line in sarcomere ?

Name 2 contractile and 2 noncontractile muscle proteins. / List muscle proteins.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Neuromuscular transmission

Must know:

Draw a labelled diagram of neuromuscular junction

Briefly explain the steps in neuromuscular transmission.

What is myasthenia gravis ?

What is the effect of botulinum toxin in neuromuscular transmission ?

Classify neuromuscular blockers. Give 2 examples of each.

Name 2 drugs that block the breakdown of acetylcholine at neuromuscular junction.

What is end plate potential and miniature end plate potential ?

Friday, September 18, 2015

Properties of nerve fibers

Check pout latest videos on : PhysiologyOpen on Youtube

Name the properties of nerve fibers

Briefly explain the propagation of action potential along a myelinated nerve.

What is saltatory conduction ?

Define All or None law

Define accomodation

What is compound action potential ? How is it different from action potential

Name the parameters on which Erlanger and Gasser classified nerve fibers

Give Erlanger and Gasser classification of nerve fibers/Classify nerves based on size and function

Name 3 physical factors affecting conducting velocity in nerve fibers

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Action potential

Check out latest videos on Physiology: PhysiologyOpen on Youtube

Must know questions:

What are excitable tissues?

Define action potential

Draw a labeled diagram of action potential

Briefly explain different phases of action potential

Briefly explain the ionic basis of action potential

What is absolute and relative refractory period ?

Tabulate the differences between graded potential and action potential 

Nice to know:

Name one sodium channel blocker

Monday, September 14, 2015

Resting membrane potential

Must know:

Enumerate and explain the various factors responsible for the genesis of RMP. 

Explain the role of Na K ATPase (in generation of RMP)

Nice to know:

What is equilibrium potential?

Blood groups

  1. Define Landsteiner’s law
  2. List the uses of blood grouping
  3. Who is universal donor & universal acceptor. Are these concepts relevant today?
  4. List the hazards of mismatched blood transfusion{Transfusion reactions}
  5. What are the indications, precautions of blood transfusion?
  6. Name few systems of blood grouping.
  7. What is the basis of ABO blood grouping & Rh typing?
  8. What is major, minor cross matching?
  9. What is Erythobalstosis fetalis

Sunday, September 13, 2015

WBC and immunity

  1. Classify WBC’s. With the help of a table describe the features of each.
  2. What is immunity ? 
  3. Classify immunity and briefly explain innate and acquired immunity
  4. What is the difference between acquired & innate immunity
  5. Briefly explain phagocytosis.
  6. Explain the role of following cells in immune response: Neutophil, Eosinophil, Basophil, Monocyte, Macrophage, T lymphocytes, B lymphocyte, NK cells
  7. Define leukemia & leukamoid reaction 
  8. Name the causes of leucopenia, leucocytosis.
  9. What is Arneth index?
  10. What is Reticulo-endothelial system (Mononuclear macrophage system)? What are its functions?
  11. What is Passive immunity (natural & artificial)?
  12. What is Active immunity (natural & artificial)?
  13. Describe the functions of antibodies.
  14. Name the different types of T cell
  15. What are T Helper cells?
  16. What is Complement system? What are its functions?
  17. Name the types of Immune disorders.
  18. What is MHC Complex?
  19. Explain cell mediated immunity. List the various cells involved in it.
  20. Explain humoral immunity, List the functions of antibodies.
  21. Name the WBCs responsible for killing intracellular & extracellular organism