Friday, August 21, 2015


Must must know

What are the 3 events the lead to complete stoppage of bleeding after injury?

What is normal platelet count? When it is called as thrombocytopenia?

What are the causes of thrombocytopenia ?  

Give 4 functions of platelets or What are the functions of platelets ?

Briefly explain the role of platelets in homeostasis.

What is the difference between primary & secondary hemostasis?

What should be the next step you will take in a dengue patient when platelet count
goes below 20,000? Justify your answer.

Platelets buds from ____________cyte.

Define bleeding time? Name two methods used to determine bleeding time? What is its
significance? Give its normal value?

Nice to know ( physiological basis of use of certain drugs)

Name  one drug which is ADP receptor antagonist? When will you advice it?
Name one one drug which is gpIIb/IIIa antagonist? What are its uses

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


What are blood or hematological indices? How are they calculated ?

Classify anemia based on hematological indices (blood indices i.e MCH, MCV, MCHC)

Classify anemia based on etiology

Briefly explain iron deficiency anemia

Briefly explain Vit B12 and folic acid deficiency anemia


What are the functions of hemoglobin/

What are the functions of RBC

What is polycythemia? What are its physiological and pathological causes

Must must know

Stages and regulation of erythropoiesis

Types of jaundice

Monday, August 10, 2015

Must know

What is plasma?
What is the difference between plasma & serum?

What is packed cell volume (PCV)?
What is hematocrit?

Name important plasma proteins. Give their normal value.
Give normal value of albumin:globulin ratio. What is its significance?

What are the functions of plasma proteins?
Plasma protein contributing maximum to osmotic pressure is ____________ . Give reason for your answer.
For equal amount fibrinogen contributes more to viscosity as compared to albumin.

Justify this statement.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Transport across cell membrane

Expected questions

Classification of transport mechanisms

Properties of passive transport

Properties of active transport

Examples of simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, primary active transport, cotransport and antiport.

Differences between simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion

Differences between passive and active transport

Differences between primary active and secondary active transport

Short note on sodium potassium ATPase

Functions of sodium potassium ATPase

Why glucose is added with salt in oral rehydration therapy ?

Visit later for MCQ's..........