Friday, February 5, 2016

Neural regulation of respiration


Name the respiratory centres in pons and medulla

Briefly describe neural regulation of respiration

Briefly describe J reflex

Chemical control of respiration


Briefly describe the chemical control of respiration

Which is the most potent stimulus for peripheral chemoreceptors ?

Which is the physiological stimulus for central chemoreceptors

Transport of gases


Oxygen transport

Draw a labelled diagram of Hb oxygen dissociation curve

What are the various factors which affect oxygen dissociation curve .

What is Bohr’s effect ?

What is normal  partial pressure of oxygen in alveoli, in arteries, in veins

What is normal oxygen carrying capacity ?

What is the significance of dissolved oxygen ?

What is the percentage Hb sasturation in arterial and venous blood ?

Carbon dioxide transport

Give the values of PaCO2, and PvCO2

What are the forms in which carbon dioxide is transported in blood ?

What is Haldane's effect ?

Explain the phenomenon of chloride shift.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Diffusion of gases


Briefly describe the factors affecting diffusion of gases across respiratory membrane.

Name the various layers of respiratory membrane.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Composition of air and ventilation perfusion mismatch


What is the normal barometric pressure at sea level ?

Give the normal values of PaCO2, PaO2, PvCO2, PvO2?

What is the difference between anatomical and physiological dead space?

Both ventilation and perfusion decrease from bottom to top, yet ventilation perfusion ratio increases from bottom to top. Explain

Draw a diagram showing ventilation perfusion ratio from bottom to top in lungs.

Differentiate between pulmonary and alveolar ventilation.

What are the conditions in which ventilation perfusion mismatch can occur?

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Lung volumes and capacities

Questions :

Define various static lung volumes and capacities

Give the normal value of various lung volume and capacities

Draw a labelled diagram of spirogram

Draw a diagram showing timed vital capacity and forced expiratory volume

What is the effect of obstructive and restrictive lung diseases on FEV1/FVC ratio

Question for discussion ;

Will lung volume and capacities be same on all individuals. If not, what would be the physiological causes for variations ?....Post the answer to discuss

Friday, January 29, 2016