Oxygen transport
Draw a labelled diagram of Hb oxygen dissociation curve
Draw a labelled diagram of Hb oxygen dissociation curve
What are the various factors which affect oxygen dissociation curve .
What is Bohr’s effect ?
What is normal partial pressure of oxygen in alveoli, in arteries, in veins
What is normal oxygen carrying capacity ?
What is the significance of dissolved oxygen ?
What is the percentage Hb sasturation in arterial and venous blood ?
Carbon dioxide transport
Give the values of PaCO2, and PvCO2
What are the forms in which carbon dioxide is transported in blood ?
What is Haldane's effect ?
Explain the phenomenon of chloride shift.
Carbon dioxide transport
Give the values of PaCO2, and PvCO2
What are the forms in which carbon dioxide is transported in blood ?
What is Haldane's effect ?
Explain the phenomenon of chloride shift.
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